Invited Lectures


The odds for tomorrow: promises, policy and the public under conditions of uncertainty

S T Lee Lecture, Judge Business School,

Cambridge, 28 November

Making a difference: Past and future of the ERC in the European research landscape

Funding, Competition and Europe

Bern, 27 November

Le futur de la recherche européenne en sciences humaines et sociales

Inauguration de l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris

Paris, 22 November

The embarrassment of complexity

Managing Complexity 5th Global Drucker Forum

Vienna, 14-15 November

Falling Walls Circle

Berlin, 10 November

Falling Walls Conference 2013

Berlin, 9 November

L'eccellenza secondo l'ERC

L’ avvenire della ricerca die eccellenza
Città della Scienza

Napoli, 29 October

Who is afraid of research and innovation? Freedom of research and socially robust knowledge.

Colloque de rentreé Sciences et démocratie
Collège de France

Paris, 17-18 October

The Cunning of Uncertainty

The Sir Karl Popper Memorial Lecture 2013,
London School of Economics

London, 15 October

Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities

Vilnius, 23-24 September

Symposium in Commemoration of the Work of Yehuda Elkana

Berlin, 17-18 September

Building the Innovation Ecosystem
Ideas Lab: The materials of the future with the European Research Council

Annual Meeting of the New Champions, Summer Davos

Dalian, 11-13 September

Wenn Wissenschaft und Kunst einander begegnen

Auslandskulturtagung 2013

Vienna, 5 September

Horizon 2020 and the European Research Area: What Future for the Social Sciences

ESA 11th Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change

Torino, 28-31 August

How to transfer research to economic success


Alpbach, 22-24 August

Identifying blind spots in our knowledge - seen from an ERC perspective

University of Lancaster

Lancaster, 18 July

Symposium for Fotis C Kafatos

Imperial College

London, 14 June

Annual Global Meeting

Global Research Council

Berlin, 27-29 May

Spaces for Social Sciences and Humanities in Shifting Global Contexts

Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study

Uppsala, 23 May

Penser global / Thinking Globally

1963-2013 fondation maison des sciences de l´homme

Paris, 15-17 May

Political initiatives for mobilising support

The State of the Union,
European University Institute

Florence, 9 May

How to make better use of collectiv intelligence

BIOVISION, The World Life Sciences Forum

Lyon, 24-26 March

Curiosity, Innovation and Complexity

A Crude look at the Whole, Nanyang Technological University

Singapore, 4-6 March

Widening Participation Event

an initiative of the European Research Council

Klosterneuburg, IST Austria, 28 February-1 March

Topical panel: European Science Policy on the move

The Beauty and Benefits of Science, AAAS Annual Meeting 2013

Boston, 14-18 February

The Genetic Revolution and its Impact on Society

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Rome, 8 February

Weshalb es keine wissenschaftliche Olympiade geben kann

TUM Institute of Advanced Study

Munich, 5 February

Catalysing the global agenda of science, technology and innovation

World Economic Forum 2013

Davos, 23-27 January